
17 Tips to Stage a House for Sale

17 Tips to Stage a House for Sale

Are you selling your home and aiming for a quick house sale?

Staging your house can be a game-changer, and it is not as complicated as you may initially think.

It might just help you achieve the highest sales value in the process.

While staging a home may seem daunting for those who have never attempted it, it is straightforward and rewarding with the right tips and preparation.

The objective is to make your home irresistibly attractive to potential buyers, allowing them to envision their future there.

From decluttering to enhancing curb appeal, every detail counts.

In this article, we’ll share 17 essential tips to help you stage a house for sale effectively and, hopefully, boost your chances of a swift sale.

1. Declutter and Depersonalise

Decluttering Your House

Decluttering Your House is a good starting point when preparing to stage a house.

Sometimes, the hardest part of preparing your house for sale is the process of decluttering.

We are all guilty of collecting too much stuff and rarely taking time to sort out the broken or worn-out things we no longer need can lead to the accumulation of so many belongings.

Start by removing unnecessary items and be brutal about it! If you haven’t used an item for more than a year, you likely don’t need it and it’s time to part ways, although there will be some exceptions that are simply too sentimental.

Many prospective buyers cannot easily imagine themselves in a home that is overly filled with belongings.

You want to aim to create a clean, inviting space with just a few homely touches to help buyers imagine their own items in the home.

Decluttering is the best way to start the ball rolling and will help you get into a great state of mind about selling your property.

2. Clean and Repair

The old saying “cleanliness is next to godliness” is actually true when it comes to staging your house, first impressions really do matter!

When people view a home for sale, they will first notice how clean it is.

Secondly, damaged, cracked, or dirty walls and woodwork give the impression of an uncared-for home, the total opposite for what you are trying to achieve when selling your house.

Ensure your home is spotless and well-maintained and try to address as many repairs as possible to present a move-in-ready property.

Setting up a couple of fresh-smelling diffusers, especially in the bathrooms and toilets can also make a huge difference.

Again, if something smells nice, your senses automatically assume it is clean and is therefore likely to be more appealing to potential buyers.

3. Furniture Arrangement

I’m sure at this point we have all heard of feng shui!

Whilst you don’t need to go quite as in-depth as this ancient Chinese practice, arranging your furniture to maximise space and create an open, welcoming environment can make a lot of difference.

It will help to highlight your home’s best features and show all of the amazing benefits that it offers buyers.

You might even want to consider putting some of your belongings in storage during the staging, especially if your home looks crammed full with furniture.

A few well-placed furniture pieces will make a considerable difference to the overall look of a room.

Remember to place a few throws over the sofa if it is not in tip-top condition, you could even scatter a few cushions to really lift the look of a ‘preloved’ sofa.

A new rug covering any marks on the carpet is another quick way to hide any ugly patches that you aren’t able to repair before the viewings.

4. Lighting

Good Lighting

Good use of lighting can transform a room.

Use natural light to your advantage; buyers love light, bright homes.

Open curtains and use strategically placed lamps to brighten rooms, making them feel warm and inviting.

Ensure windows and window dressings such as curtains and blinds are dust-free.

For some great ideas to use lighting to add ambience to a room visit the homedit website.

5. Neutral Colours

Opt for neutral colours throughout your home to appeal to a broader range of buyers.

Even if you have to spend a bit of money on repainting your property, it may very well reap rewards in the long run.

Nothing is worse for protective buyers than a home painted with a different colour in every room so you will want to create a transition from room to room with a colour pallet that compliments your home, not screams at you.

Lighter colours can also help to make small rooms feel larger and should appeal to more tastes or act as a ‘blank canvas’ that potential buyers can see themselves making their own.

6. Add Some Greenery

Add Plants to Your Home

Add some plants to your home to freshen up rooms.

Incorporating some plants can help to bring life to your home and make rooms feel fresh and vibrant.

There are plenty of reasons to incorporate greenery into your living space outside of just appealing to buyers.

Plants help to improve air quality by removing pollutants from the air and can also help to increase humidity levels in the air, which can reduce the risk of respiratory issues!

Most importantly, however, when staging your home house plants go a long way to adding a homely feel to each room.

Don’t overdo it!

You don’t want your home to feel like a greenhouse, just a few plants here and there are the perfect way to add a bit of vibrancy to your property and can help it stand during staging.

7. Make it Smell Appealing

Did you know that our sense of smell is closely linked to memory and emotion?

This means that pleasant scents can create positive associations with your home and improve its appeal to those viewing it!

Start by ensuring your home is thoroughly cleaned.

Lingering odours from pets, cooking, or smoke can be off-putting, so deep cleaning carpets, upholstery, and curtains is essential.

Once your home is clean, you can introduce pleasant fragrances in a number of different ways.

Air fresheners and scented candles are a great choice but be sure to use subtle, universally appealing scents like lavender, vanilla, or fresh linen.

Placing air fresheners in the kitchen, bathrooms, and entrance to your home will help to create a welcoming atmosphere for visitors viewing your property.

Whilst we have just discussed the other benefits of this, fresh flowers and plants will also help when it comes to the smell of your home.

Making sure your home smells as inviting as it looks will enhance the overall staging and increase the likelihood of a quick sale.

8. Focus on Key Areas Like the Kitchen

Modern Kitchen

Key rooms such as the kitchen should be the focal point of any house.

There are certain rooms within your home that will hold extra weigh when it comes to house viewings, so be sure to place some extra attention on these rooms when preparing to stage a house for sale.

It is a known fact that a good kitchen will almost always be a deciding factor when selling.

Pay extra attention to the kitchen and ensure it is spotless, you may even want to consider making some minor updates for a modern look.

Check that the cupboard doors are not hanging loose and that you have cleared the work surfaces, giving the illusion of extra space.

The heart of the home, the kitchen has become a main focus of modern family life and it is not just about how functional it is.

The kitchen is a space to socialise and share with the family, so making sure it is in tip-top condition will go a long way!

9. Enhance Curb Appeal

Curb Appeal

The outside of your home is the first impression people have and should be as appealing as possible.

Don’t neglect the exterior of your home!

First impressions count for a lot and many buyers will do a “drive-by” before they make an appointment to view the inside of your home.

You don’t want to lose a possible sale because you haven’t tidied up the outside of your property.

It doesn’t have to be a major overhaul of the whole exterior, a tidy front garden or driveway alongside a welcoming entrance and a clean front door is vital to get people’s attention.

The exterior of your home is the first thing potential buyers see, so ensuring it is well-maintained and inviting can understandably make a significant difference.

10. Highlight the Unique Features

To make your home even more memorable, showcase its standout features such as a fireplace, spacious back garden, or conservatory.

Highlighting these unique features can make your home stand out from the competition, people often want what they don’t already have so each of these features could be a great selling point!

Emphasising any unique features your property may have helps potential buyers see the special qualities of your home, making it more memorable.

So, make sure that these spaces are well-kept, clean and inviting!

11. Hire a Professional Stager

Professional Home Stager

A professional home stager could make the process far easier.

Yes, these do exist!

Hiring a professional can be a smart move if you’re uncertain about staging your house for a quick sale.

They offer personalised advice and will optimise your space to ensure maximum appeal to those viewing.

While accepting outside input on your home can be challenging, having an expert perspective can significantly enhance your property’s chances of selling quickly.

Their insights and expertise ensure your home stands out to potential buyers and hiring a professional could really help, especially if you have been having trouble selling your home.

12. Your Online Presence

With countless properties in online search results, catching a buyer’s eye is crucial.

The key lies in how your home appears in online listings.

A beautifully presented home makes the professional photos estate agents take stand out far more than images of cluttered, un-cared-for homes.

This immediate visual appeal can stop buyers from scrolling past, ensuring your property gets the attention it deserves.

High-quality photos and a well-staged home will make a significant difference in attracting potential buyers online.

13. Outdoor Spaces


Make sure your garden is well-kept.

Whilst we have already discussed the importance of making sure the front of your property is up to scratch, it is also important not to forget about the outside of the exterior of your home.

A well-maintained lawn, garden and patio can add huge appeal to your property.

Cutting the grass, trimming the bushes and trees, and adding some colour with flowers or plants will make your garden stand out.

Remember, you want to get ahead of the competition in any way you can and an appealing garden that buyers can see themselves enjoying a BBQ in is certain to do this!

14. Use Mirrors Strategically to Enhance Space and Light

While it may sound strange, mirrors can be a powerful tool when it comes to home staging.

They can make small spaces appear larger and reflect light to brighten up rooms.

Placing mirrors opposite windows helps to maximise natural light and gives the illusion of more space than there actually is.

A great example is in dark hallways or narrower areas, where mirrors can create a sense of openness.

When choosing mirrors, opt for stylish frames that complement the decor of your home, however, be mindful not to overdo it; the goal here is to enhance, not overwhelm.

Don’t create a maze of mirrors!

Mirrors should be used to accentuate the positive aspects of a room without becoming too much of a distraction.

Their strategic placement can transform how a room looks and feels, making it more attractive to potential buyers.

15. Show off Your Storage Space

Storage Boxes

Make sure you display all of the storage space your property has, this may mean clearing out some of your belongings first.

A common concern for potential buyers is how much storage space a property has.

When staging your home, you should make efforts to highlight the storage solutions you have and display that your home can meet their needs.

Clear out closets, cabinets, and storage areas, leaving only a few items in each to showcase the space available.

In smaller homes, creative storage solutions like under-bed storage or built-in shelves can be particularly appealing, so, if these are features you have, make sure they are clean and tidy to show their functionality.

Emphasising storage solutions can make a significant difference in how buyers perceive the practicality of your home and may sway some people to choose your home over another!

16. Show Off Your Technology

Modern buyers often look for homes equipped with the latest technology, showcasing any smart home features such as security systems, smart thermostats, or video doorbells can really help.

Make sure these devices are functional and demonstrate how they can simplify and improve daily life in your home.

Additionally, ensuring that Wi-Fi connectivity is strong throughout your home is key.

With more people working remotely, this is a more significant consideration than ever!

Emphasising modern conveniences can make your home more attractive to tech-savvy buyers and will really set it apart from other properties on the market.

Do keep in mind that with technology comes wires!

Power cables and electrical leads tend to look rather messy!

We would suggest unplugging any electrical appliances that aren’t actively adding to the appeal of your property, this way you can tuck the wires away until after the staging.

17. Create a Lifestyle Experience

Dinner Table

Setting the dinner table will create a good sense of what living in your home is like.

When staging a house for sale, focus on creating a lifestyle experience for potential buyers.

This means showing not just the physical space, but also how living in your home can enhance their lifestyle.

Setting the dining table is a great place to start!

You could add some fresh fruit in a basket or go all out and set the full table to evoke images of family dinners or an evening entertaining guests.

Another excellent idea is to set up a stylish home office to appeal to remote workers.

In the kitchen, display a vase of flowers or again some fresh fruit, this will create a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere.

By highlighting how different spaces in your home can be used for various activities, you help buyers imagine what their life will be like in the property.

This emotional aspect of house staging can be a powerful tool and may win some people over.

Ready to Move House?

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White & Company Truck

By following these expert tips, you can stage a house for sale to attract potential buyers and secure the quick move you are after.

The goal is to present a home that looks fresh and well-maintained, allowing buyers to envision themselves living there.

With the right preparation, your home will stand out from all the others and sell faster.

If you’ve sold your property and need help moving, White & Company is here to assist.

Start planning your dream move with our top-notch removal services including storage and comprehensive insurance cover.

Plus, as well as our normal face-to-face home surveys, we now offer a convenient video survey service, enabling safe and thorough remote removal assessments.

Contact us today or fill out a quick quote form to see how we can make your move seamless and stress-free.

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